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Finding Your Path: One Step At A Time

A monthly membership program designed to give you clarity and accountability to define and discover your unique happiness.

  • Exercises

  • Community

  • Guidance

  • You're enough and you deserve to love your life!

    Be the first to know when we're ready to launch!

    I'm so ready!

    You information is 100% secured.

    Let's find your unique path to happiness starting from exactly where you are...

    Let's see if we should work together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    And if you're willing, I'll help you do just that...

    Private Podcast Coaching for your business

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget, lobortis enim.

    Learn more

    Looking The Part: Group Program

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget, lobortis enim.

    Learn more

    Story-telling for Podcast Professionals

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget, lobortis enim.

    Learn more

    Marketing: Grow your podcast business fast

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget, lobortis enim.

    Learn more

    Grab your Habits of Happiness Checklist

    Eight habits of people who have discovered their happiness and tips on how you can start adding them to your life starting today.

    Let's see if we should work together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    What you should know about me...

    I don't...

    • think there's a one size fits all approach to happiness 

    • believe in working just to say you did something 

    • specialize in processing emotional hardships or trauma

    • This is a valid reason why we should be working together.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget, lobortis enim. Vivamus laoreet ligula ut ipsum sagittis lobortis. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam vitae enim vitae augue pretium rutrum non eget ex. Vestibulum a tellus a turpis condimentum sodales et et odio. Nam iaculis dignissim nunc ut fermentum.

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce ut elementum elit. Nulla pharetra sem id nisi ornare, eget porta eros vehicula. Morbi vel nisl finibus, porta lacus eget.

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    Copyright © Rebecca Hayes All rights reserved.